About Laura Mangum, RD, LD
Telehealth appointments

My Personal Story
In my late teens, as I strived to be my “best self,” I got caught up in a dangerous cycle of overexercising and undereating. Over a six month period, my intake dwindled down to about 500 calories/day, which led to rapid weight loss, an emaciated body, and starved mind. During this time period, I graduated from high school and transitioned into college life as a nutrition major and full blown anorexic. I had no idea how I’d gotten into this horrific place and yet was frightened to climb out. After months of blacking out, losing hair in clumps, and watching the number on the scale drop into a dangerously low range, I decided that I had to seek help, knowing that recovery alone would be impossible.
Thankfully, I can say with complete confidence that with the help of medical professionals, family, friends, and my faith, I completely recovered. That said, it’s my passion to work with individuals battling all types of food issues. Now, my health journey didn’t end there. After three pregnancies, I experienced chronic fatigue and anxiety, and concluded after some testing that I was extremely deficient in several nutrients, despite consuming a wide variety of foods. This revelation set me on a path of discovering functional medicine, which changed my life, health, and the health of my patients.
The five most important lessons I’ve learned from my own journey, and in working with thousands of clients, are these:
1. Every BODY is different
2. Restriction is never the answer
3. Nutrition is a science, not an opinion
4. One size DOES NOT fit all
5. The healing power of whole, real foods is undeniable

My Qualifications
I graduated from Baylor University with a Bachelor of Science in Family and Consumer Sciences (Nutrition) in 1995 and completed my Dietetic Internship program @ University of Southern Mississippi in 1997. I spent about three years establishing a clinical foundation by working as a clinical dietitian at the following hospitals: Seton Hospital, Austin; St. Joseph Hospital, Houston; and The Institute of Rehabilitation and Research (TIRR), Houston. In 2000, my husband and I moved back to the Austin area, and I was thrilled to be hired by a private practice group to work as an outpatient dietitian.
For the first time in my life, I felt I had a purpose. I loved teaching, guiding, and building relationships as I worked with clients in the outpatient setting. This position also opened doors to a teaching position at Southwestern University and a few other positions, including a clinical research role.
I worked for that group for four years and decided to take a step of faith and start my own private practice. Best decision I’ve ever made! It is absolutely rewarding to work closely with clients and witness the impact that your advice has made on their life and health. Over the past ten years, I’ve continued to further my education through training in Functional Medicine and genetics, which has been a tremendous benefit to the health and well-being of my patients. I am blessed to have helped thousands of individuals, and I love going to work every day!